Toxic Bunny (Toxic Bunny HD)
Action retro platformer. Semi Visible Chickens
Videogame for , developed by Celestial Games and published by Celestial Games and Vision Software
Action retro platformer.
Semi Visible Chickens. Hamster launchers. triple strength espresso, Armoured sentient mucus. Just a day in the office for Toxic Bunny.
Toxic Bunny is what would happen if the Looney Toons & Monty Python were heavily armed and thrown into a blender with the best (and worst) movies of the 90's and turned the results into a retro platform game.
Find out what happens when an almost normal rabbit gets into a really bad mood. Follow Toxic as he tries to find the person responsible for interrupting his coffee break, brainwashing all his friends and covering the planet with decaffeinated goo.
** Show general disregard for public safety by firing the NITRIC HAMSTER LAUNCHER (the only known weapon to guarantee a fatality).
** Giggle evilly as you squish aliens with rusty nautical equipment.
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